Farms and Barns
Farms and barns can be vulnerable targets for prowlers. Protect your valuable assets (facilities, animals, equipment and inventory) with a state-of-the-art security system. Through a monitored alarm system, your assets will be protected round-the-clock in the event that the worst occurs, and authorities will be notified immediately of alarm activations to minimize losses. These systems can also be configured to alert you immediately, whether you are at home or away, if an alarm is triggered.
Barns are prime candidates for fire due to the dry, flammable materials such as bedding, hay, grain and wood stored inside. Once ignited, barn fires can burn out of control quickly and the results can be devastating. Early detection is key to protecting your employees, saving your livestock, and minimizing damage to your property. Fire detection devices coupled with 24-hour monitoring could make all the difference because once an alarm is activated, the monitoring central station will be notified and help will be on the way immediately at a time when every second counts.
Video surveillance systems can be used to monitor livestock, evaluate employee performance and ensure the safety of your facility. Our high-quality digital video recording systems are custom-tailored to meet your specific needs and requirements. These systems may also be viewed remotely on a smartphone, tablet or computer for added security, confidence and convenience.
Gate access systems can limit who has access to your facility and can be configured to fit your specific needs. An open entrance is an invitation to thieves, allowing them to enter your property undetected at any time. A closed gate is a deterrent that keeps unwanted trespassers off of your property. Through the use of an automated gate, you are able to control who has access to your property, even when you are not there. It will provide peace-of-mind that your livestock, equipment and livelihood are safe and secure.